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Friday, March 19, 2010


me.jenov.cindy.manda.gaby :) )

FINAL's coming up for sure..
yet I haven't ready for it
hmm ok let's forget it for a'sec..:)

Suddenly I miss my high school time.. I know it was such a hard time being sanurians for 3 years (+ another 3 years for junior high). I realize that my life here, now, is much much much easier. No wonder, I just have 3 courses each semester.. hahaha:D
However, everything's different here.. I have no struggling time together with my best friends anymore like I had during my high school time.., which is so FUN actually. Those kinds of memories always spin in my head and have successfully made me sad somehow:(

Exactly one year ago, we were so stressful because of UAN and its preparation. Everyday was just about the tests and lots of "try out"s. Woke up at 5.30 am, went to school with my beloved Cindy Fransisca & Amanda Purnamasari, studied inside the car until we fell asleep ahaha.. wore our socks right before we got off from car.. No time for combing our hair, yaaa we were so messy!!:)
And when we got into the class, suddenly we fell very happy to meet our friends and we used to laugh together because nobody had finished study:) and nobody did the homework..well,except some people:)
The bell was ringing... we sat on our chairs, opened our book, but we were not exactly there..ahahahha thinking about something else, wondering, drawing, or even texting^^
One thing that we waited for was the break, yeaaayyyy we came in front of the class, make a circle, and sat on the floor (really miss this habit). Then we started to eat and of course "gossiping" hahahahaha aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i wanna go back to that time!!!!!

After the class ended, we went to someone's house.. either mine, Anna's, Manda's, Gaby's, to have our study group named TBDR..yaa agak norak sih tp yaudalah ahahhaa:)
Everytime we do this, the only one who always sleep was CINDY^^ and she was very panic when she woke funny..:)
studying...eating...chatting...laughing...gossiping... until mid night, and everybody had to go home.. and of course, we hadn't finished our study HAHAHAHA:)



Cindy Fansisca.Amanda Purnamasari.Anavaliza Atmadja.Gabriele Yuliana.Jessica Novianti.Mereditha Kristanti.Clara Nadya Puspasari.Amanda Levina Wijaya.Fanny Gunawan.Winda Banyuradja.Isabella Ingrid.Leoni Michelle Chandra.Adeline Solaiman.Lucia Kartika.Pingkan Sekar Ayu.Beatrice Marietta.Fransesca Dea