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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Black Wallpapers

Your desktop background or better known as desktop wallpaper is an important part of you computer's user interface. It greets the computer user and comforts them in using the computer. There are lots of stunning desktop wallpapers on the internet. They are available in a range of sizes. Some of them are free while some are sold. Wallpapers sold are not necessarily better than free wallpapers.
The best wallpaper for your desktop is one that fits your screen resolution. Lets say your screen is 1280 by 800 pixels, a wallpaper with the same resolution will fit perfectly on your desktop. The image will not blur or appear pixelated if the resolutions are the same. You can easily check your screen resolution at the computer settings menu.
Desktop wallpapers come in many colors and designs. One of the best choices is a black wallpaper or dark wallpaper. Black is perceived as a visual experience when no light reaches the eyes. Dark or essentially black can soothe the eyes while providing peace of mind and tranquility. It increases the contrast of colors from the screen and enhances pictures, designs and enhances the visual aspect of the computer. Besides it, dark wallpapers portray the user's personality. It symbolizes nobility, quality, creativity, innovativeness, boldness, power, strength and beauty.
The act of changing your desktop wallpaper at least once a month can increase productivity. Imagine an office employee working in a cubicle overseeing the concrete jungle that never sleeps. A change of view may reduce the pressure while providing a sip of freedom. Besides, it would just be plain boring staring at the picture day after day.
As a conclusion, the act of changing your desktop wallpapers not only changes the look of your computer background image. It is more than that. It provides a visual, physical and spiritual freedom when you are there sitting on that chair facing your desktop. Act now. Change your desktop wallpaper and feel the difference.
The internet is full of so many that you will never run out of options. The search can be a simple or complicated one based on what you want, but there will be a buried treasure out there waiting for you to find it.
You can find cool backgrounds just by using your basic search engine. Now it is easy to even search the images part of the search engine to make this a painless task. If you are looking for some sort of pink and black Victorian design for example, that is what you will type into the search box. "Pink black Victorian" is what you will put in the box and see what comes out of it. If it is paisley you prefer, then type in the word "paisley" and search images.
If that is not for you, you could then search for websites that have cool backgrounds that are up for grabs. Many of these websites organize the backgrounds based on color, design, and how large the monitor or screen is. When looking for obscure cool backgrounds, such as the ones dedicated to favorite bands or television shows then checking the fan sites devoted to them might prove to be more than fruitful. These amateur artists tend to be genius at designing beautiful cook backgrounds and even are known to add favorite quotes which adds to its personality.
With the advent of so much technology, designing your own backgrounds is easy! There are so many different types of software and programs out there that make it easy. Buy or download free imaging software. Typically they have various brushes to add design to your background. In fact, it is entirely possible to design a whole entire world with many programs. So, whatever you think up in your mind will translate fantastic with a little talent and ingenuity. There are thousands if not millions of tutorials for those that want to learn the magic of digital art. Many people are self taught and find themselves to be fantastic artists.
Designing your very own cool background can be a great experience that is very rewarding. This could lead to fantastic careers in the long run, all based on making a simple background. It can be pretty amazing to find what you love and do it for the rest of your life.